Welcome to the Lenten season! During this season, we are preparing our hearts and minds to glorify the Life, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. As we reflect and recognize our human brokenness, this season gives the opportunity to draw closer to Christ through scripture reading, prayer, and thanksgiving for the sacrifice that has been made for us. Challenge yourself to have a closer walk with Christ during this season as you prepare for Easter!


Walk Update 2023 – The Greater Indianapolis Area Emmaus Community has started planning for the walks this year.
Please pray for formation of teams and the Spirit to touch this walk like never before, growing bold leaders for His glory!

Upcoming walk information: 
Oct. 5 to 8th – Women’s Walk #197: Ruth Crawford has agreed to be the lay Director for the Women’s Weekend.
Oct. 12 to 15th – Men’s Walk #196: Andy Moore has agreed to be Lay Director for the Men’s Weekend.